Monday, September 22, 2008

Study Hall PACKED

This is impossible! It is impossible to concentrate in this room espically when you are trying to write your first year english paper. It is probably the hardest paper that I have ever had to write in my life and I am crowded between all kinds of people. It is impossible to think, let alone even trying to read because there is no way that you could comprehend anything. I don't quite get the point of study hall because pretty much i just have to sit here to get hours in and than when I get back to my place I have to write my paper. So did I actually get anything out of study hall tonight besides posting this blog? absolutly notw. It is horrible.
Now that I am done complaining I will talk about how great Mondays have became for me. Monday is now our only day off for baseball so even though study hall sucks really bad atleast we get a day for our body's to relax and recover not including we don't have to wake up early. I used to hate monday's back in high school but now it has became my favorite day. Not including that Monday, Wednesday, and Friday are my easy day for classes so it just makes them all that much better. If everyday could be a innersquad game than I would not mind playing everyday and not even having a day off but it's not and we have to practice some. Thats why Monday's are now the best.

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