Friday, September 19, 2008

In class wring assignment

My narrative for my paper is mostly going to be about all of the crap that I hear in my classes from regular students about how athletes get the easy road. I can tell you for sure that it sucks having to get up at 530 and go lift in the morning. Than we have to go to class all day than practice and study hall. At 10:00 study hall ends and over to the dinner we go and than repeat the process. I mean yes we get alot of nice clothes and gear plus we get schedule advantages but we still have to do the same work as the rest of the students. It's not like you get a free pass in class or anything because you still have to write papers and take test just like anybody else.
I just feel that it takes a great tole on your body being a student athlete and you should deserve a few special privilages.

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