Wednesday, September 17, 2008


I have been looking around compass seeing a whole bunch of little scooters riding all around. It makes me so mad because I wish I had one! I think that alot of the kids that have them are upper classman and/or athletes. I have heard that they are only around 1200 dollars which I think is not that bad of an investment (only if you can get your parents to buy it for you). I completly understand why people have them becasue walking back from practice or walking back from study hall real late at night sucks really bad. Usually you are real sore and that long walk back feels like an enternity.
That also leads me to my next point of why America is so fat! If you are not an athlete than you should not have one because you need exerise! We are so lazy now days that we let technology take over our lives. I have seen real fat people riding around on them that I know that there is no way that they could be on a team. Are they really helping themselves? They are just adding to the statistics that America is ont of the fattest countries inot the fattest. All because they are too lazy to walk to the dining hall or even class. That is why I feel that scooters are good for some people but not for all of the people that I have been seeing ride them around campus.

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