Thursday, September 18, 2008

Asian kid on Baseball team

ODD? Yea we all think so too. We have one asian on our team and his name is Matt Murakami. He always wears these mockisions and they are rather interesting looking. There have been some kids that have made fun of him but I am just waiting for all of the older kids to really make fun of him. I actually think that he is half white too and he is sitting right next to me now allowing me to write this. He is what you would call a "different" kid but I actually think he is a alright guy.
We have a wide range of personalties on the team anywhere from real quiet, to real talkative, to really angry all of the time. I think that is going to really help us this year to make us succeded because you need a little bit from everybody in order to win championships. Also remember that I can't spell and there no spell check on this thing so please forgive me. Back to our team and how we are defiently going to win the ACC this year. The team had ups and downs last year and actually won thirty games so hopefully with this new good recruiting class than we can have a really successful year. Maybe even the asian kid can pitch in and help lead us the the ACC title and possibly even a national championship.

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