Sunday, September 21, 2008

Guest Speaker

Well tonight was the mandatory guest speaker and she did a very good job I think. Every athlete at the university had to attend. One benefit was that at the end we got a free t-shirt. Her main point was about imagining your goals in your life and than the steps to get there and than eventulally they can come true. One of her main stories was about when she was in high school and her and her friends attempted to steal a pumpkin. They failed misberaly and than they tried to run and had to hide in the bushes. She was a pretty good speaker but that was a horrible story which probably made it the worst part of the night. She also got four guys from the baseball team to pick this guy up over their head with just two fingers each. She used her visizuling technique that was the theme of the whole night to help the guys do it. It actually worked pretty well because the first time they didnt do it and than they did.
The best part of the whole night had to be when she sang her song that talked about getting involved in the community. She could actually sing very well and it kind of made the whole night worth it. The last part of the night that I have not talked about is when she had the entire theater close their eyes and visizualize. She like gave this setting and had you real relaxed and than told you to walk through this gate and see all of your dreams and asspirations. She said to do that everyday and it will signfintally help them come true. I think that she was a very good speaker and I am glad we got to be a part of it. PS: Remember that I can't spell.

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