Monday, September 29, 2008

is fall ever going to come

It seems like mother nature is just going to continue to tease us for a little while longer. One day it could be windy and 68 while the very next day it is 85 and sunny. No wonder everbody is sick around campus. Two out of three of my teachers were even sick today. Also it seems like it did not rain all summer but as soon as we get to college and have to walk everywhere than it desides it wants to poor down raining everyday. I feel like it rains every weekend and I was lookin at the weather a second ago and it says it's suppose to cool back off again what a suprise? It also says that there is a chance of rain like everyday with some days more than others. I am sure after it cools down at the end of this week than the following week it will get hot again and probally rain.
This is crazy weather I am only from the eastern shore of Maryland so I am kind of used to it but I just wish it would stay summer or go ahead and switch to fall. Anyways it look like it is going to rain on tuesday which of course is a day that we have practice so it will probably mess up the schedule once again. but oh well.

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