Friday, October 31, 2008


That is awesome that we have off all next from English. I have already voted by absentee ballet for the presidential election. I voted about two weeks ago actually so I won't vote on Tuesday but I completely agree that everybody should go vote. I defiantly agree that you should skip classes because professors should not have class on that day. My history teacher is going to have class on Tuesday but that is the only one I think. It is a little hard to vote if you have to go to school all day or work. I think that is partially why voter turn out is so bad in the United States. This election for president is by far one of the most important in a long time. People should want to have a say in who leads our country. Our country is in trouble economically and we are waste deep in a tough war and whoever comes into office is going to have their hands full. I believe that things need to be done by authority but presidents can't do anything unless they agree with congress. So go vote and be informed on everything that is on the ballet not just the president.

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