Wednesday, October 8, 2008


Well today started off as a great day and than is amazing how one little part of your day can make it turn for the worst. I was having a great day because my classes were done at 12 and its beautiful outside. I even passed this big math test that moves me up to my next class. Than I go to baseball practice and everything good. I am hitting well and just playing overall good baseball. Than I make a couple throws and all of a sudden my arm starts hurting. Coach sends me to the training room to see what is up and boom I am out for all weekend which happens to be three games that I am going to miss. It is horrible because I am a freshman compeating for playing time and than I am devasted by injury. This is a huge weekend for evaluations by the coaches and I am not even going to get to play. What is even worse is that there is a chance that I could be out even longer. So therefor I go from having a nice calm relaxing day to horrible in all of about 20 minutes. Now my entire weekend is going to suck not including that all the upperclassman are going to look at me like I am a wussie. This really sucks but hopefully it will all work out in the long run.

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