Friday, October 24, 2008

1 week

I can't wait because we only have one week left of fall ball for baseball. Starting in November we switch to just lifting. I believe this will help my school work tremendously because I will actually have time to complete my work. Not including that I will actually be able to study for my test and get some sleep. It will probably take me the entire month of the November to get caught up on my sleep. During the week we just have weight lifting in the evening and than nothing instead of like three hour practices and than lifting after that. It will be much easier to get all of my study hall hours in becasue I will acually have a littlew bit of free time on my hands. I will also be off on the weekend too besides a early lifting on saturday morning. it will be great because I will actually be able to live a somewhat normal college life instead of just baseball and school. Not including I will be able go home some more and see my family and even go hunting. It will be great and than we will have winter break and than start up fresh again untill the end of the school year.

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