Friday, October 24, 2008


It is suppose to rain on homecoming weekend. Hopefully it is going to be a good game and we will win big. But now with a rain game you never know what will happen because it will come down to whoever adapts to the weather conditions the best. Not including all of the events that happen tommorrow and stuff that is goign on. It will make tail gating even bad if it rains as much as it is suppose too because the parking lots will flood. Campus will be packed and than with heavy rains is will cause accidents and a huge traffic jam. It will be miserable to go watch the game in that weather also. If we play like we did against Virgina than it will really be miserable to watch. Than again if we play like we did against wake forrest than we will be just fine. I just hope that if it rains than it does it in morning and than it is just showers in the afternoon. The perfect option will be for no rain at all but since the sport is football if it rains it wont be bad as long as it does not rain really hard.

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