Monday, November 3, 2008

Fall Ball is done

Fall ball is done completely now. Now I am ready for thanksgiving to come and go home and visit and get some good food. It will just be nice to go home for a little bit and get away from this place for a while. My roommates start to drive me crazy after a while. They are all a bunch of pricks and think they are better than they are. They are always more worried about what somebody else is doing instead of just worrying about their self. They are extremely annoying and they think that the world revolves around them. When quite frankly I could care less about them.
That is the only bad part about fall ball being done is that I have to spend more time around them at the place. I don't mind them on the field but when it comes to sitting around the place I can not stand even being around them at all. Anyways this week is awesome though because I don't have crim class and I don't have english. Also baseball is done so therefore I have a very free schedule. Lastly, this weekend I should be able to go home on Friday afternoon and enjoy my time away.

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