Monday, October 6, 2008


I have just happened to notice that it is getting dark outside real early. It seems like just the other day it was getting dark and 830 and now it is pretty much pitch dark at 7. I have noticed that has been getting dark a little earlier but it was not till tonight that I realized it is real early. They had to turn the soccer lights on here by study hall at like 630. That is crazy because I thought that the time had changed by this time earlier. I know that it is suppose to save energy and everything but I don't understand it why they keep pushing it back. When they change the time it usually gets dark around 530. I don't ever remember there being this in between time of year when it is not dark till like 630.
I wish it would go ahead and change because than we would be able to practice under the lights the majority of the time instead of just the very end. It am 18 years old and have played and practiced under the lights for years but it still feels so cool and special to practice under the lights even now. I feel just like a little kid again every time I get the chance to do it again. I am also in a criminology class right now and from the stuff that we have been learning I would imagine that the crime rate goes up the earlier it gets dark. So I guess that would be one motive to not setting the time back any earlier than you have too besides just the saving energy factor.

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