Monday, October 20, 2008

Mid Term

I just want to state right of the bat that I think only having two test in a class and that accounting for 85 percent of your grade than that is stupid. My history class has a unbelievable amount of information to cover. It is a class that requires over a hundred pages of reading every week with two jammed packed lectures of completely different information. This is the first test that we have had and its a ton of information and chances are they will only test on about a third of it because it is a 50 minute test. I am trying to study for it now and I am going to be up for a while because I need a break about every hour because it is so hard to remember. Of course my break this time would happen to be writing this blog. I need to vent because I am pretty sure that the class average will be about 30 percent and if you bomb this mid term, you pretty much are going to bomb the course.
That is the really crappy part is that you could do all of this reading every week and than not even get any credit. I would strongly recommend that no body take this course because it is by far my worst class of the semester. I am sure that everyone here has a class like this one that you only have like two test that make up your entire grade. I am just trying to look over everything because I have no idea what he is going to put on the test because it is just so much material.

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