Saturday, November 22, 2008

Football Game??

That was horrible! I can not believe that I sat out in the freezing cold to watch us get killed. I leave at half time and I think that I can go back and watch the Texas Tech and Oklahoma game but it is a blowout also. I have never seen a worse night of college football in my life. It is horrible to watch because nether game is even worse watching. That is one of the main reasons that I decided to do homework on a Saturday night. It has been a extremely long day and I wanted to kick back and watch some good football games but that is not happening.
I guess I can watch pro football tomorrow and than by the time that Monday night football gets here I will be able to watch it from my own TV at home. I can not wait in till thanksgiving break because I get to sleep in my own bed and eat some good food. I am so tired of eating the same food around campus that I always do, not including I am out of dining hall points. Anyways for the most part I am severely disappointed in the football game here on campus and in the nation. At least maybe I will actually finish my paper that is due on Monday before Monday morning.

Flag Football Game

The baseball team had their annual flag football game this afternoon. Like always the upper class men killed the under class men. They beat us by at least thirty points I bet and almost shut us out but believe it or not it was still a fun time. The only problem was that was the same problem there is going to be tonight at the real football game and that is the fact of it being extremely cold. Back home last night we got a inch or two of snow and I only live on the eastern shore so that could just as easy been here. That just goes to show you how cold it is and I don't ever remember it getting this cold all of a sudden like this before.
The other thing that the baseball team had today was a barbeque after the flag football game. The catch was that half the team got steaks while the other half got pb and j. The half that got steaks also got nicely cooked chicken too. We had a three game series at the end of our fall ball season that we call the world series and whoever wins get steaks and chicken while the other team only gets pb and j. I was on the winning team though so I did not care because I had a nice big and good lunch.

Football Game

It is going to be so cold on sat night at the football game. The game does not start until 745 and it is only suppose to get to 38 during the day so I can't imagine what it will be like when the sun goes down. But who cares? Thanksgiving break is only in a couple days and we get to go home for a break. The football game will be the last thing that I am thinking about when i am home next week. I can not wait it is going to be so awesome! It will be the first time in a while that I will be home for more than like two days. Than after thanksgiving we only have a few weeks and than we get a whole month off. It will be so nice to eat all of that food on Thursday. I love to eat so I can't wait to get away from this nasty dining hall food.
This whole weekend all I casn think about is just getting out of here on Mondasy night and heading home. We have practice Monday night and than I am gone. Of course on Monday morning I have english class where I get to turn in paper number three. I can't wait!!

Tuesday, November 18, 2008


Everybody is talking about how bad the basketball team is going to be this year. They have not played anybody with any type of talent yet. If you watched the football team than play Middle Tennessee state than you would think they were horrible too. They have beaten tons of ranked teams this year and are a very good team. Teams play up and down to their competition so you can't judge a team until they play a quality opponent. Also everybody has good and bad days so you can't judge a team until it plays at least a few games. Maryland has won every game so far and people are talking about how horrible they are. How can you tell until they play a quality opponent?
I am not taking up for them at all because I believe they are going to struggle in a couple weeks also. I just don't believe it is fair to jump ship before even giving them a chance. It is not like they have really had a poor perform ace yet. They had one slow start but besides that give them a chance. I could see if you tell me this in a couple weeks but you might be surprised, don't judge a book by it's cover.

Thursday, November 13, 2008

project on the economy aka dining prices

My group for the little class project is the economy group. The only thing that we are going to talk about is the outrages dining hall prices though. I have to totally agree because they don't give you enough points on those plans to even eat there but like once a day if that. If you can eat there that much than you have to eat like you are a 100 pound girl. The plan is perfect for a small girl. My plan next semester is to try and find some little skinny girl that does not eat much and get her to give me some points. That would be a great plan. Or the university could just come off with some of the millions of dollars they are making off of us.
All that they would have to do is adopt one of the ways other schools do it. One way is just charge you a certain amount each time you go in and make it buffet style. The other way is just have you pay a flat fee and than you can just go in as much as you want and whenever and it is free because you have already paid in advance. All of the other schools that I have been too do it like that but of course not Maryland.

Wednesday, November 12, 2008


I have never been to this place. I know that it is a horrible thing but I always have to go to study hall so I have never been. Now that we have to get 15 sources I guess I am going to have to break down and go. I don't even know..... can you check out books? Or do you have to just sit in there and read them. It does not sound like too much fun to me because you probably have to be really quiet and that is a problem for me. I am used to study hall where everybody just talks and does not really get much work done at all. I actually get more done back at my room but maybe if I go to the library I will like it. I can't imagine too many people actually going there so it is probably really quiet and resourceful.
I have heard from people that it is a great place to get stuff done so I actually might want to look into it. I sound like a horrible person I know but I do actually get my work done just not at the library. I am going to go this weekend and probably next week and hopefully it will count for my study hall hours. I think that these 15 sources are going to be really tough though.


Did everybody else get the email from the football coach. He wants students to go to their practice on fridaty to get them pumped up. He also went into detail about how if Byrd stadium is loud then it increases their chances of winning. I hope thet they decide to play better than they did against tech. Of course they will though because UNC is ranked and we always play to our competition. I mean go all the way back to the beginning with the lose to middle tennessee. That was crazy. Than I believe either the next week or the following we beat cal. Of course Cal was ranked at the time so we played better.
My prediction is that with our undefeated home record and playing a ranked team that it should be a good game. My guess it 21-14 we come out on top but maybe even better than that. If we were playing them at their place than I would give it to the by atleast 14 because we can't play on the road. They play this loud tape recording of a crowd like everyday while we are trying to practice baseball but it does not help.

Study Hall

In the beginning of the year I used to hat study hall and I still do! I have come to figure out though that coming in the afternoon is a good thing. It is not nearly as crowded and you can actually get some work done. My main point before was that I could study better in my room than I could at this place. This place is actually a good resource if you come at the right times. That pretty much means that you should not come in at night time early in the week. That is what makes it impossible to work.
It is much easier to write blogs now that it is actually quiet in this place. I usually just watch movies and stuff in here and than once my time is up go back to my room and get done what I have to get done. In the afternoon here I can count like a total of ten people in this place but from about 500 till about 900 is is really packed. The worst times are on Monday and Tuesday by far because everybody needs hours. I have come to realize that it is easier to just wait till later in the week. Now that fall ball for baseball is done it makes it easier to come in the afternoons.

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

English class cancelled

Last week was a great chance to get away and relax. The only thing that I wonder about is if this paper is going to be this hard than should we have had class? Now it seems like to me that this paper is right up on top of me and I have a long way to go. I understand that she said to do research the week that we were off but I did not really understand the paper to well. I think that it will be really hard to try and find 15 sources on my topic. Most of my sources are on the same point of view as me so they don't really help much. I also see that our rough draft is due on Friday and our final is due the following Monday. What happened to the two peer editing sessions? Also that does not give us the chance to have our teacher edit the paper. From what I understand this paper is going to be tough and I would like to know if I am on the right track or not. I just thought the final paper would not be due until the following Monday after thanksgiving break.



I believe that fall is finally here to stay. I don't think that we are going to have anymore 70 almost 80 degree days. We have been blessed with these beautiful days and it just makes you wonder how bad this winter is going to be. I was always taught that whatever comes around goes around so since the weather has been so nice it makes you wonder what the spring will be like. That is very scary because we start baseball practice on January 20 and it will probably be miserable. We did not have a single real bad day all fall but we start games in February so my luck it will be snowing. Back in high school I could not wait for it to snow so I could go outside and mess around in it. I live on a farm so we have tons of room to sled behind trucks or four wheelers. There is nothing more fun that riding a quad or trike all over the place in the snow.

Monday, November 3, 2008

Fall Ball is done

Fall ball is done completely now. Now I am ready for thanksgiving to come and go home and visit and get some good food. It will just be nice to go home for a little bit and get away from this place for a while. My roommates start to drive me crazy after a while. They are all a bunch of pricks and think they are better than they are. They are always more worried about what somebody else is doing instead of just worrying about their self. They are extremely annoying and they think that the world revolves around them. When quite frankly I could care less about them.
That is the only bad part about fall ball being done is that I have to spend more time around them at the place. I don't mind them on the field but when it comes to sitting around the place I can not stand even being around them at all. Anyways this week is awesome though because I don't have crim class and I don't have english. Also baseball is done so therefore I have a very free schedule. Lastly, this weekend I should be able to go home on Friday afternoon and enjoy my time away.