Wednesday, December 3, 2008


Eight pages tough? I think so! I mean I just wrote a ten page paper for criminology the other day and it was alot easier than this English paper. I feel like i am beating a dead horse because I have written just about everything on this topic. I am struggling to get eight pages because I don't want for my paper to be repatative and just use the same points over and over. I have no trouble finding research but there are just only so many points that I can elaborate on. I feel that my paper is pretty good though.
In am kind of nervous about getting my paper number three back because it is very important. I understand that this one is more important that we are writing now but if I did good on the third paper it gives me a little bit of room to breath on my last one. I am in the same situation with my crim paper because I really need to do well on it so that i don't have to do perfect on the final. I am stressing out already and I kind of wish we could just fast forward too the end of the semester because I have so much work that I have to get done and study for between now and than. Hopefully everything goes smoothly because they say you play as well as you do in school and I defiantly want to do well on the baseball field.

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