Tuesday, December 2, 2008


It is just starting to hit me how tough these next two weeks of school are going to be. I have a rough draft due on Monday that is seven pages long and than another paper due on Tuesday that must be at least ten pages long, I have known about both of them for a while but I was not aware that the criminology paper had to be ten pages long. I have a couple page paper due on Thursday that is very difficult to write. On top all of this we have finals in less than two weeks!! This is crazy and I am stressed out already because every paper that I have due is extremely important and obviously finals are really important so . I just can not wait for the winter break because it is a whole month and I will need it after these couple of hectic weeks.
One of the best parts is that this is the last week of winter baseball so next week I will have a lot of time on my hands in order to get stuff done. One major problem is that the papers are due in the very beginning of the week so the time off will just help me study for finals not complete work for the last weeks of classes. I wish I could just fast forward these next couple weeks so that it will all be done and it will be Christmas time.

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