Monday, December 8, 2008


It is unbelievabley cold! I had to go home this weekend to work and it was the coldest I have been in a long time. Yesterday the wind was blowing a 100 mph it felt like. The cold air would just go right threw you. I say that was the coldest I have been until today came. I know it was only a day later but today is the coldest I have been in a long time. The only day that I can remember being colder is when I was a freshman and it was in the low thirty's and raining/sleeting. I was a freshman that got pulled up to varsity for the playoffs. I thought it was so cool until I had to stand on the sidelines and watch a two or three hour football game in the freezing cold. We were also over a hour away from my school so the bus ride back was horrible. We stopped to eat at McDonald's and that even made it worse. I played a lot of away games in high school and I used to love to stop to eat. When I was cold and wet that night I was miserable. Anyways today felt like a flash back minus the wet part. I have an eight o'clock class and I walked out with just a sweat shirt on. I was completely miserable and I was speed walking to class.

Wednesday, December 3, 2008


Eight pages tough? I think so! I mean I just wrote a ten page paper for criminology the other day and it was alot easier than this English paper. I feel like i am beating a dead horse because I have written just about everything on this topic. I am struggling to get eight pages because I don't want for my paper to be repatative and just use the same points over and over. I have no trouble finding research but there are just only so many points that I can elaborate on. I feel that my paper is pretty good though.
In am kind of nervous about getting my paper number three back because it is very important. I understand that this one is more important that we are writing now but if I did good on the third paper it gives me a little bit of room to breath on my last one. I am in the same situation with my crim paper because I really need to do well on it so that i don't have to do perfect on the final. I am stressing out already and I kind of wish we could just fast forward too the end of the semester because I have so much work that I have to get done and study for between now and than. Hopefully everything goes smoothly because they say you play as well as you do in school and I defiantly want to do well on the baseball field.

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Team House Internet

It is amazing that the varsity team house finally has Internet connection. There was Internet the first day and than after that there has not been any due to something with the server. The university has finally done something and fixed whatever was messed up. For Maryland to be a huge school in a huge conference (ACC) they do not give that much too their sports programs. The ACC is the best baseball conference i the country and we are the least funded team in the conference. Other teams in the conference have alot better facilities to use for indoor use and their outdoor fields are better. Don't get me wrong Maryland has nice things in the baseball program but it does not compare to some of the other ACC schools.
Maryland has a lot of resources and nice facilities compared to other schools in other conferences. It is just that the other ACC schools in the conference have really nice stuff. I know some people that play at small division I programs or even division II and III that would love to have what we have but it makes it hard to compete in this conference with just nice stuff because we need great. The team house Internet is just one example about how the university does not care that much about typical non-revenue sports programs. Another big problem is that we are so far north and we don't get to practice year around like the more southern schools.


It is just starting to hit me how tough these next two weeks of school are going to be. I have a rough draft due on Monday that is seven pages long and than another paper due on Tuesday that must be at least ten pages long, I have known about both of them for a while but I was not aware that the criminology paper had to be ten pages long. I have a couple page paper due on Thursday that is very difficult to write. On top all of this we have finals in less than two weeks!! This is crazy and I am stressed out already because every paper that I have due is extremely important and obviously finals are really important so . I just can not wait for the winter break because it is a whole month and I will need it after these couple of hectic weeks.
One of the best parts is that this is the last week of winter baseball so next week I will have a lot of time on my hands in order to get stuff done. One major problem is that the papers are due in the very beginning of the week so the time off will just help me study for finals not complete work for the last weeks of classes. I wish I could just fast forward these next couple weeks so that it will all be done and it will be Christmas time.

Monday, December 1, 2008

Great Break

I had a great thanksgiving break and I can not wait untill Christmas now. It seemed like as soon as Thanksgiving dinner was done than I started to think about Christmas. My mom started to put up Christmas stuff the next day and that is what really gets me into the mood. Than I come back to my dorm and there is nothing so it is kind of boring around here. I think we should decorate some in our room but we are not really here long enough for it to actually matter I guess because we only have school for a couple more weeks. I have to work on Saturday and head to another dinner for my family so I actually will not be here that long at all.
Thanksgiving dinner was great though and it was good to get some good food instead of just eating at the expensive diner. I love to eat so I like all holidays because most have dinners with them. I espically enjoy thanksgiving though just because it is entirely about food which is great. It was also just good to be home and get away form this place for an extended period of time. A long story short I had a good break and I wish it was longer but Christmas is right around the corner.

Saturday, November 22, 2008

Football Game??

That was horrible! I can not believe that I sat out in the freezing cold to watch us get killed. I leave at half time and I think that I can go back and watch the Texas Tech and Oklahoma game but it is a blowout also. I have never seen a worse night of college football in my life. It is horrible to watch because nether game is even worse watching. That is one of the main reasons that I decided to do homework on a Saturday night. It has been a extremely long day and I wanted to kick back and watch some good football games but that is not happening.
I guess I can watch pro football tomorrow and than by the time that Monday night football gets here I will be able to watch it from my own TV at home. I can not wait in till thanksgiving break because I get to sleep in my own bed and eat some good food. I am so tired of eating the same food around campus that I always do, not including I am out of dining hall points. Anyways for the most part I am severely disappointed in the football game here on campus and in the nation. At least maybe I will actually finish my paper that is due on Monday before Monday morning.

Flag Football Game

The baseball team had their annual flag football game this afternoon. Like always the upper class men killed the under class men. They beat us by at least thirty points I bet and almost shut us out but believe it or not it was still a fun time. The only problem was that was the same problem there is going to be tonight at the real football game and that is the fact of it being extremely cold. Back home last night we got a inch or two of snow and I only live on the eastern shore so that could just as easy been here. That just goes to show you how cold it is and I don't ever remember it getting this cold all of a sudden like this before.
The other thing that the baseball team had today was a barbeque after the flag football game. The catch was that half the team got steaks while the other half got pb and j. The half that got steaks also got nicely cooked chicken too. We had a three game series at the end of our fall ball season that we call the world series and whoever wins get steaks and chicken while the other team only gets pb and j. I was on the winning team though so I did not care because I had a nice big and good lunch.